Stable Value Funds: A Fiduciary Quandary
Is it even possible for a plan sponsor to make an informed and prudent decision about putting stable value funds on their plan investment menu?
Stable Value Funds in the Litigation Crosshairs
The revenue earned by providers of stable value funds is at issue in a recent class action lawsuit.
Ignoring the Noise of Financial Markets
During times of market stress, the biggest risk that investors face is themselves.
Target Date Income Funds: A Viable Alternative to Annuities in Retirement Plans
The whole point of TDiFs is to secure inflation-protected retirement income–which is also a central concern of ERISA.
Dear Ms. Miller: The Fiduciary Model and Your Company’s Retirement Plan
‘Caveat emptor’ is not optimal for plan beneficiaries and sponsors, writes Scott Simon.
How We Got From There to Here in the Fiduciary Wars
We have the SEC to thank for investors not being able to tell a non-fiduciary broker from a fiduciary advisor, argues Scott Simon.
When Non-Fiduciaries Hold the Fiduciary Keys
Some end-of-summer observations on suboptimal fiduciary set-ups, the ‘incidental’ issue in the fiduciary wars, and reflections on Tibble v Edison.
Disclosure: The Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma
Disclosures of conflicts made by many financial services providers tell you just about nothing–or even less!
The Next Steps for K-12 403(b) Reform
Advocate Steve Schullo says reform is moving in the right direction, but there is more work to do.
A Way Around Costly 403(b) Plans
In so-called ‘open vendor’ states, high-cost 403(b) plans may be side-stepped by turning to 457(b)s, explains plan-participant advocate Steve Schullo.